
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Infographics in Web Design

Infographics have become a major part in how we convey information in most forms of media. You’re likely to remember seeing these images in instructional pamphlets, signs, and even geography maps. Recently, infographics have taken over how we absorb information when we don’t have time to sit down and read a novel of statistics. These clever graphics have improved our memory on various facts and figures by supplying the viewer with both a cool image and a bit of neat information to boot.

The main goal with infographics is to allow the right side of the brain (being creative, interpretive), to process left brain (technical, problem solving) information. This process can also be referred to as Data Visualization. By supplying the viewer with small, relevant and clearly displayed content, you can give them a much more memorable experience. Chopping down your content into it’s most basic elements improves how the user viewing that information is likely to recall key points long after completion. A great example of when to put an infographic to use is in a timeline. A long line with paragraphs of texts doesn’t exactly get too many people excited about reading it’s contents. However, if you broke down the timeline into a few key points, supplied with relevant and creative graphics, your viewers are much more likely to take interest and read the few facts that you have listed. Pretty cool huh?

If you’re looking for a new way to convey information and ideas into any form of media, check out what infographics can do to spice up how you present yourself and your business. Making the viewer aware of your message in as little time as possible is key when it comes to the web, and now they are more popular than ever. Check out our services page to see how we can help you add infographics into your next website, presentation or brochure.

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